Feb 29, 2024
/assets/ico/category.svg  Categories.html
/assets/ico/like.svg  More_People.html
/assets/ico/typo.svg  Typography.html
/assets/ico/home.svg  index.md
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Awesome Blogs

  1. https://gpfault.net/
    I really liked gpfaults Let's Learn x86-64 Assembly! series but i want more of it.
  2. https://lukesmith.xyz/
    My favorite modern Philosopher.
  3. https://tmpout.sh/
    Very nice Zines.
  4. https://pagedout.institute/
    More nice Zines.
  5. https://www.vx-underground.org/
    Goto place for birthday presents.

Usefull Web Tools

  1. https://temp.sh/
    Upload Files fast, secure and without ads.
  2. https://based.cooking/
    Well it is based and cooking.